Brooks Region Small Business Saturday
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Small Business Saturday is October 26 in the Brooks Region
On Saturday, October 26, 2019 all Canadians are invited to visit a local business to celebrate the many ways small businesses contribute to their communities. October 26 is recognized as Small Business Saturday by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) and it honours the contribution of the men and women who took a significant risk and became entrepreneurs.
CFIB encourages communities to recognize the contributions Canadian small businesses make to build local communities and the national economy by visiting independent businesses and by encouraging others to do so. Particularly through social media.
How You Can Get Involved
In the week leading up to October 26, and on Small Business Saturday itself, our Brooks Region economic development team is collaborating with CFIB. We want to hear about some of your favorite small businesses in the Region. When visiting a local business, take a picture at the businesses or with the owner and share it on social media by using the hashtag #SmallBizSaturday or by tagging @shopsmallbiz. CFIB and the Brooks Region will promote the local, independent business through our social media channels.
Our local business owners work hard to offer high-quality products and services, support initiatives in our communities, bring life to our neighborhoods and create jobs. We need to recognize the work they do, which is why we support this initiative and encourage consumers to shop at their local independent business on Small Business Saturday and share their experience on social media.
Brooks Region #FunFact:
More than 95 per cent of Canadian businesses have fewer than 20 employees. They employ nearly 60 per cent of the private sector labour force and create the bulk of new jobs.
For more information, contact:
Jessica Surgenor
Brooks Region Economic Development Officer