Regional Economic Development
Brooks Newell Region economic development initiatives are overseen by a Joint Services Committee that is comprised of elected officials from each of the municipalities in the region.
The municipal partners consist of the Town of Bassano, Villages of Duchess and Rosemary, City of Brooks and County of Newell.
The Joint Services Committee has developed a set of strategic focus areas which include Entrepreneurship, Business Retention and Expansion, Investment Readiness and Attraction, Branding and Marketing/Promotions.
City of Brooks staff members are responsible for coordinating the regional economic development efforts and implementing activities that have been approved through the budget.
Government officials in the Brooks Newell Region support economic development initiatives and are forward thinking professionals. Our mindset is not to say "No," but rather, "Let's find a way to make that work."
As stewards of the Brooks Newell Region, we are clear and concise. We get to the point so we can get things done. As prairie people, we don't take ourselves too seriously and we can take (and make) a joke.
We are welcoming, friendly and inviting. Contact our team today to find out how we can work together!