Energy from Waste Feasibility Study
Energy from Waste Feasibility Study
The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of an Energy-From-Waste (EFW) Waste Management Processing Facility in the Brooks Newell Region that would serve the County of Newell, City of Brooks, Town of Bassano and the Villages of Duchess and Rosemary.
The study was led by the Palliser Economic Partnership Ltd. and Newell Region Economic Development.
An EFW Waste Management Processing Facility would serve to attract external investment, along with associated industries, and create jobs in the region. Such a facility would also provide generated heat / energy and marketable by-products to generate revenues.
In the eventuality that the results / recommendations of this feasibility study are affirmative to the development of infrastructure, regional benefits could include:
- Investment in new infrastructure, either municipally or privately owned;
- New EFW Waste Processing facility constructed in the region;
- Waste heat/energy from new processing facility could be used to incent greenhouse, or other mutually beneficial operations on site; and,
- Investment by CP Rail in rail spur line enhancements / extensions and a rail tie storage yard