Brooks' Next Generation Broadband Network
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The City of Brooks has reached an agreement in principle with a consortium led by Community Network Partners, a subsidiary of Crown Capital Partners Inc., for the construction and operation of a next-generation broadband fibre optic network, capable of 10 Gigabytes per second (Gbps) to every household and business.
The construction will take place over the next three years, and as neighborhoods are constructed, they will be able to sign up for internet, television and telephone service with the new community-based internet service provider.
The City will invest $5.3 million and will own the backbone network. Community Network Partners will invest $15.7 million to connect residents and business locations to the backbone, with the network being operated as one seamless network. Lite Access Technologies will be responsible for the construction of the entire network with IBI Group providing planning, design, and project management services to the partners.
The City and Community Network Partners will contract with O-NET, a trusted and respected community network operator in Olds, Alberta as an initial provider of retail services. The network will be operated on an open-access basis, allowing for competitive retail service providers to offer services on the network and allow residents and businesses within the City a choice of retail service providers.
“Access to affordable, high-speed internet and services is critical to the continued vibrancy and success of the City of Brooks,” says Mayor Barry Morishita. “Connectivity creates new possibilities and enables economic development opportunities.”
With this investment the City of Brooks will become one of the first 10 Gbps communities in North America, positioning it as an attractive location for knowledge-based industries and residents who value affordable high-speed connectivity along with a well-balanced life rooted in community.
For more information, please contact:
Alan Martens
Chief Administrative Officer, City of Brooks